• 9 декабря 2017, суббота
  • Москва, Leninsky prospect metro station, Vavilova str., 7, 10th floor, room 1001

Сross cultural communication training "Education and career at multicultural environment"

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Центр психологического консультирования НИУ ВШЭ
2645 дней назад
9 декабря 2017 c 15:00 до 18:00
Leninsky prospect metro station, Vavilova str., 7, 10th floor, room 1001

We would like to invite you to a cross cultural communication training for HSE international studens. The theme is "Education and career at multicultural environment". The workshop is held in English.

There are a lot of factors such as an arrival to a new country, language, culture, climat etc. that can impact on students’ adaptation, education and emotional state. At the workshop we are going to puzzle out what skills and abilities would help in faster adaptation and educational effectiveness.

The event will be held during a psychological weekend on 9th of December at Psycological Counseling Centre of SU HSE by Ksenia Babat. 

Ksenia is a coach, trainer and HR manager in American company General Electric. During her 12 years of professional expirience she worked in Turkey, Kenya and Italy, she speaks Russian, English and German and loves travelling. Ksenya has visited more than 35 countries and also loves doing plays at Playback theatre in a free time.

The direct time and adress are: 

December 9th at 3p.m.  

Leninsky prospect metro station, Vavilova str., 7, 10th floor, room 1001


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