• 13 октября 2018, суббота
  • Москва, Вавилова, 7

Performance of the modern playback theater

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Dear friends, thanks for your interest in our Performance of the modern playback theater! Unfortunately, we have to inform you that the performance is postponed to another day. New time of the event will be announced later.

Другие события организатора

Центр психологического консультирования НИУ ВШЭ
2015 дней назад
13 октября 2018 c 19:00 до 21:00
Вавилова, 7

How do you usually spend your Saturday night? HSE psychological counseling center invites you … to the theatre. Not the ordinary theatre. It’s going to be playback theatre. This evening our center will become a stage, and you are going to be directors and authors of your own plays. The meeting is devoted to the dialogue between cultures. We’ll talk about: What it’s like to be in an unfamiliar environment? How to organize your life far away from home? How to adapt to the new rules? What everyday difficulties you have to face? What helps to adapt and understand the customs that are unusual for oneself?

Playback Theater is a form of a unique encounter between art and ordinary life. Actors do not play their roles until spectators tell stories about themselves. The presenter defines the topic inviting viewers to a dialogue. Viewers share their stories and experiences. Actors instantly create improvisation based on what they heard.

The play will be performed in collaboration with the actors of the Playback #01 theater (http://www.playback01.com/pro).

Duration: 1,5 hours
Language: English (without translation)
Location: Vavilova, 7, room 1001


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